AGROFERT, a.s., is the controlling company of the AGROFERT Group, which manages and coordinates more than 250 subsidiaries.

Headquarters activities are focused almost exclusively on corporate governance. Only trade in pesticides and dressings, fertilizers, agricultural commodities and pasturage belongs to headquarters own business activities. AGROFERT also covers centralized activities of the whole AGROFERT Group, especially in the field of accounting operations, IT, human resources, communication and marketing, purchasing of selected items of goods and services, sale of assets, internal audit and security. AGROFERT, a.s., also ensures the M&A issues and offers financial services as well.

How we run our business
Management of the subsidiaries by contolling company AGROFERT, a.s., is based on four pillars of success:
- long-term relationships with business partners
- high-quality work of experienced managers
- our business flexibility
- maximizing of synergies within AGROFERT Group and its companies

Essential business philosophy of the AGROFERT Group is to create a strong production chain that connects land maintenance with agriculture and chemical industry, with livestock production and crop production and with food processing as well. Such manufacture-verticals allow us to achieve maximum possible efficiency and development of our know-how in production chain.
Business strategy of the controlling company AGROFERT, a.s., is also based in permanent opportunities search for further business development. We assess all these opportunities properly. Thanks to this business strategy, we are present not only in actual business branches, but we also seek for opportunities in completely new business areas. This might either complement our existing business chain, or it could bring new impulse for business of other companies within the AGROFERT group. Therefore, the controlling company AGROFERT, a.s., continues in focus primarily on acquisitions of companies which fit to the concept of building an integrated agro-food-complex in Central Europe. AGROFERT is active also in building new production capacities. Success of these activities is based mainly on trust of the banks. Thanks to this, newly acquired companies could be restructured and streamlined. That makes them successful and very competitive companies.
The company AGROFERT and all the subsidiaries of the AGROFERT Group are subject to regular audits. Like the other companies active on Czech market, also AGROFERT is subjected to standard controls by public authorities.



, Dressings , Pesticides , Special fertilizers


, Calcium fertilizers , Compound fertilizers , Fertilizer production stocks , Foliar fertilizers , Foliar fertilizers , Lawn fertilizers , Magnesium fertilizers , Nitrogen fertilizers , Organic fertilizers , Phosphate fertilizers , Potassium fertilizers , Special fertilizers , Stabilized fertilizers , Sulfur fertilizers

Commodities of plant origin

, Grains , Oilseeds

Feedstuffs and feed components

, Fish-meals , Rapeseed and soybean crude oils , Rapeseed groats , Soybean grouts , Sunflower groats


, Drying & celaning of agricultural commodities , Fretilizers warehousing , Laboratory services , Pesticides warehousing , Transportation & manipulation , Warehousing of agricultural commodities

Present on markets of:

  • Czech Republic
  • Slovak Republic
  • the entire European Union



Pyšelská 2327/2, 149 00 Praha 4 - Chodov, Czech Republic
Company registration number: 26185610

Email address:
Phone: +420272192111